An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

Context of Employing Non-English Language Major Teachers to Teach English Courses in High School: Implications for a Policy Note

Antonette S. Arranz and Ranec A. Azarias
Northern Naguilan National High School, Naguilian, La Union, Philippines and Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College, Tagudin, Ilocos Sur, Philippines
ISSN: 2961-3035 I Volume 4 I Issue 1 I May 2024


Teaching English courses mainly improves students’ communicative competence for a successful integration into public life so English teachers should possess certain qualifications to deliver instruction well. This study aims to describe the causes and effects of employing non-English language major teachers to teach English courses in the Naguilian Cluster as basis in policy note formulation. It employed the descriptive survey research design and used a researcher-made questionnaire in gathering data. The study found out that none of the respondents pursued higher studies related with English since their baccalaureate degree is not English and they were underload. They believed that there should be strict hiring and selection of English teachers. Moreover, they greatly affect the quality of English language learning since they commit errors or mistakes in the production of learning resources or instructional materials in teaching English. Thus, English teachers should either have a bachelor’s degree related with English or a certification in English language teaching; should undergo intensive training to enrich their English language teaching pedagogy; and the preparation and development of learning resources or instructional materials in English teaching and learning should be led by English language teachers who are experts in this field. The study recommends the inclusion of a certification in English language teaching in the absence of a bachelor’s degree in English.

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