A Comparative Discourse Analysis of Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s and Joseph Biden Jr.’s Inaugural Speeches
Miles Faith P. Guerrero, Dr. Dahlia R. Domingo, Philip Jhay Mhar S. Hubilla, Sahnielle O. Jacobe, John Edcel M. Poquita, Elmera Mae Gonzales
New Era University, Quezon City Philippines
ISSN: 2961-3035 I Volume 4 I Issue 1 I May 2024
This study aimed to analyze and describe the structure, concepts and language use of the inauguration speeches delivered by Philippine President Ferdinand "Bongbong" Romualdez Marcos Jr. and US President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., as well as the reasons for their selection. The researchers used a descriptive and qualitative research design to extract data from the transcripts of the two speeches. The findings revealed that both presidents used similar speech structures during their inaugurations, acknowledging important people, recognizing the historical significance of their inaugurations, and expressing hope for the future of their countries. The study also identifies the implications of the content of the message in the inaugural speeches of the two presidents. President Biden Jr. focused on racial fairness, honesty, and unity, while President Marcos Jr. advocated unity and hope for the future. Both presidents employed directive speech acts to encourage certain behaviors and attitudes, illustrating their different leadership viewpoints. It is recommended for linguistics students to have further readings in the application of Speech Act in comparative discourse analysis for political speeches, teachers should encourage more students to conduct research, parents should be aware of the implications of political speeches, administrators should motivate students to conduct study using quantitative research, and future researchers should focus on developing a more nuanced understanding of the discourses used by political leaders in different contexts and investigating the impact of political discourses on public opinion.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.56901/JYAC7428
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