An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

Awareness and Behavior of Residents on the Classification of Household Solid Waste in Trungmon, Vietnam

Ngoc Trinh Phuong
Tan Trao University, Vietnam
ISSN: 2961-3035 I Volume 4 I Issue 1 I May 2024


The classification of household solid waste (CHSW) in rural areas and areas beginning to urbanize in developing countries is very important. This not only helps reduce environmental pollution but also helps recycle and utilize resources effectively, while creating a healthy and sustainable living environment for the community. The pressure from household solid waste in large cities is an alarming signal that it is necessary to classify household solid waste in rural areas as soon as the urbanization process begins to accelerate strongly.  Clearly, research to survey people's awareness and behavior about CHSW in Trung Mon commune, Yen Son district, Tuyen Quang province, Vietnam using sociological survey method through questionnaires is imperative. The findings revealed that residents have a good awareness of the CHSW policy and the majority consider classification necessary. Noticeably, attention is needed on encouraging the use of more environmentally friendly products and increasing education to reinforce awareness and positive habits in waste management to better CHSW practices. By building upon existing research and addressing the unique context of the study area, this research endeavors to provide insights and recommendations for enhancing CHSW practices in similar settings globally.

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