ABAKADEMY: An Online Strategic Intervention Material for Independent Remediation in English for Grade 10 Learners
Corazon V. Liwayway, Erica C. Macaligtas, and Madeleine B. Marcial
New Era University, Quezon City Philippines
ISSN: 2961-3035 I Volume 4 I Issue 1 I May 2024
Despite the greatest efforts to supply the students with the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) through well-evaluated teaching and learning modalities, it is still somewhat evident that a handful of learners are still experiencing difficulty in coping with the lessons and activities. This provoked the researchers to utilize the use of Strategic Intervention Materials (SIM) and convert its traditional and physical attributions into a web-based online platform. Thus, ABAKADEMY, an online strategic intervention material aimed to determine its effectiveness for independent remediation in English, particularly in Literary Genres, Figures of Speech, and Greek and Roman Mythology. Forty (40) grade 10 students were gathered and divided into control and experimental groups. Through t-test, the researchers were able to describe the level of performance and significant difference of the groups’ pre-test and post-test results. Given that there was a practical significance measured through Cohen’s d, it is concluded that ABAKADEMY, an online strategic intervention material is effective for independent remediation in English for the grade 10 students. It stimulated better cognitive retention and fostered creativity and critical thinking among the learners.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56901/GJXK5997
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