An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

Knowledge and Skills of Pre-Service Teachers in Lesson Planning: Inputs to the Development of a Lesson Planning Guide (LPG)

Geremy G. Sanchez1
1Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College, Cervantes, Ilocos Sur, Philippines
ISSN: 2961-3035 I Volume 4 I Issue 2 | December 2024


Effective lesson planning is essential in teaching, making it a crucial skill for every pre-service teacher. This study assessed the knowledge, skills, and experiences of pre-service teachers in lesson planning at Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College, aiming to develop a lesson planning guide. A mixed-methods design was used, employing validated objective tests to measure knowledge and skills among 229 pre-service teachers. Focus group discussions with 55 pre-service teachers, 15 instructors/professors, and 21 cooperating teachers explored experiences and provided triangulated data. Inputs from these were utilized to develop and validate the output through 33 expert evaluations.Quantitative findings showed that pre-service teachers demonstrated partial mastery of lesson planning concepts, poor planning skills, and a moderate correlation between knowledge and skills. Qualitative data revealed challenges in formulating SMART objectives, selecting formats, ensuring congruence, integrating disciplines, choosing relevant activities, and maintaining correct grammar. Causes included limited exposure, insufficient feedback, and inadequate references. Despite these, pre-service teachers coped through resourcefulness.The resulting Theoretical and Practical Lesson Planning Guide received excellent validation, with minor suggested revisions. Recommendations include teaching lesson planning theories before guided practical activities and considering a dedicated Lesson Planning course in teacher education curricula. Experimentation on the guide’s effectiveness is advised before broader adoption.

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