An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

Personalized Instruction for Reading Comprehension (PIRC) as an Effective Reading Intervention Tool among Grade 7 Learneers

Jasmine C. Sapul1, Xanthea Yori L. Sagsago2, Apple Mae C. Guintodan3, Khristine M. Gamsawen4, Areya June B. Pecson5, Marjorie T. Kilby6, and Lemuel Mariano7
1-7Saint Louis University, Baguio City, Philippines
ISSN: 2961-3035 I Volume 4 I Issue 2 | December 2024


This quasi-experimental action research aimed to determine the effectiveness of a Personalized Instruction for Reading Comprehension (PIRC) reading intervention tool among a select group of Grade 7 learners enrolled at a public local high school in Sta. Cruz, Zambales for the Academic School Year 2022-2023. Through a quasi-experimental approach, 35 students from the STE class were explicitly selected as respondents. A one-group pretest and posttest design was utilized to determine the changes in the reading comprehension abilities of the respondents. Students' common reading comprehension difficulties included difficulty in identifying the meanings of unfamiliar words, focusing on long texts, answering follow-up questions, and understanding instructions; impatience, short attention span, negative thinking, and difficulty in following instructions. Based on the recorded results, the selected students improved their reading comprehension skills during the posttest session. The PIRC tool is highly recommended for future use by educators and teachers handling reading classes, with suggestions for prolonging the time allotted for the tool, designating certain days for breakout sessions, conducting a pretest to carefully identify the target weaknesses of the students, applying more ICT-based activities and tools, and conducting daily meetings for the group sessions.

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