Strategies in Contextualizing Araling Panlipunan Curriculum in Junior High School
Grace B. Ventura1 and Joselito C. Gutierrez2
1-2Saint Louis University, Baguio City, Philippines
ISSN: 2961-3035 I Volume 4 I Issue 2 | December 2024
This study explored how teachers contextualize the Araling Panlipunan curriculum in Junior High School. A developmental approach was adopted as the research design with data collected through focus groups and semi-structured interviews. The findings show that teachers shared the curriculum through community participation, communication, and collaboration with colleagues and stakeholders to connect Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices (IKSPs) with teacher education, as well as creating models, research, and using existing education in terms of existing programs in the community to achieve contextualization. Based on the findings, teachers were advised to review their curriculum and integrate the content into learning skills. Schools should establish school education groups to guide teachers in using the content and developing learning resources.
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