Epekto ng Papuri sa Performance at Motibasyon ng mga Mag-aaral sa Kanilang Pag-aaral (Effects of Praise and Motivation on the Students’ Performance and Motivation to Learn)
Kimberly M. Felipe1
1Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines
ISSN: 2961-3035 I Volume 4 I Issue 2 | December 2024
The study was conducted to determine the effects of teachers' praise on students' performance and motivation in their studies. The researcher used descriptive qualitative design. Participants were one hundred forty-six (146) tenth grade learners and fifteen (15) tenth grade teachers. Based on the outcome of the study, it was discovered that the effects of teachers' praise on students' performance is positive because it gives them motivation and inspiration to improve their studies and self-confidence. Teachers praise on students increases their motivation to study and self-confidence. The study concluded that praise is effective in improving the performance and motivation of students in their studies. Second, giving praise to students is important because it has a positive contribution in improving their performance and learning motivation. Hence, the researcher recommends expanding or continuing this study in order to strengthen or deepen the knowledge regarding the effect of praise on students' learning and to study and pay attention to other factors that affect the performance and students' motivation.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56901/ZETP4803
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