Difficulties of Non-English Language Major Teachers in Teaching English Courses: A Systematic Literature Review
Antonette S. Arranz1
11Northern Naguilan National High School, Naguilian, La Union, Philippines
ISSN: 2961-3035 I Volume 4 I Issue 2 | December 2024
on-English language major teachers have become part of the mainstream who teaches English courses. This study investigated the profile of the studies on non-English language major teachers who are teaching English subjects in terms of location and methodology; the reasons/factors that led to their deployment; their identified difficulties; and the research gaps in the reviewed literature. Furthermore, this study used systematic literature review as its research design and repertory grid as the data gathering instrument. Data came from studies that are accessed on multiple databases which are screened based on the given inclusion and exclusion criteria. Frequency, percentage, coding, and thematization were used to treat data. Due to professional positioning and the very limited number of qualified English language teachers, non-English language major teachers are hired to handle English subjects. In the process, they experience difficulties in language skills, teaching pedagogy, and insufficient educational background. Hence, further studies should also delve into support from internal and external stakeholders, more participants, new policies in English language teaching, and modernized English teaching pedagogy to boost the competence of the non-English language major teachers.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56901/XXPO1197
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